Funding Options for SmartPass

SmartPass is eligible for a range of federal funds, helping you move your school into a new era of managing student movement.

Title I

Strategically support students from low-income backgrounds to be positioned in meeting challenging state academic standards.

How To Use These Funds For SmartPass

  1. Increases classroom time for instruction by controlling the flow of students out of class, minimizing disruption, and identifying potential patterns related to disproportionality
  2. Automates selected notifications and updates to teachers and parents to streamline communication, improve planning
  3. Provides agency for students to understand their own in- and out-of-class time and develop plans to increase their own access to instruction
  4. Utilize Flex Time capability within SmartPass to facilitate equitable access to individualized intervention supports offered outside traditional classroom settings and class period schedules
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Schools serving large percentages of students from low-income backgrounds.

Title II

To recruit, retain, and grow the top talent of highly effective teachers in classrooms while providing professional development to principals and assistant principals in creating and maintaining improvements in student learning and instructional outcomes. The grant also works to hold accountable local educational agencies and schools in growing the effectiveness of teachers and principals.

How To Use These Funds For SmartPass

  1. Maximizes instructional time by setting pass limits and restrictions, while allowing for individualized accommodations and options for flexible learning scenarios as needed
  2. Provides non-disruptive classroom management features through better efficiency of hall pass and release time approvals
  3. Emergency Mode increases student safety through real-time notifications of approved student movement and checked-in locations throughout a building
  4. Provide professional development for staff members focused on classroom management and communication, release time expectations, late arrivals and early dismissals, and emergency procedures
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Districts that want to recruit and retain effective teachers and principals, provide professional development, and even reduce class size

Title III

Ensure English learners of all backgrounds meet state academic standards of English-speaking peers through developing skills in English proficiency and academic achievement

How To Use These Funds For SmartPass

  1. Spanish and English language options available for teachers and students to maintain clear expectations and strong communication
  2. Tracks time students spend in non-academic settings so parents and teachers can keep students accountable and on time for learning
  3. Enables schools to keep all students safe during emergency situations through Emergency Mode notifications and live check-ins on student locations
  4. Flexible learning and intervention passes are logged to support learners from all backgrounds, providing flexible access to specialized services with minimal disruption
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Schools that implement programs in language instruction designed to support students with limited English Proficiency. Schools collaborate with state and local educational agencies to increase the English proficiency and core content knowledge of students with limited English proficiency

Title IV

To equip high needs districts with programs that promote effective use of instructional technology, cultivate rigorous education for all students, and facilitate students in being safe and healthy

How To Use These Funds For SmartPass

  1. Monitors approvals of student movement throughout different areas of each school, helping leaders identify student demand for resources and teachers and adjusting service levels as needed
  2. Creates accountability and fosters safety for students outside of class time by creating timers, pass limits, and restrictions, while also allowing for accommodations to meet students individual needs
  3. Streamline procedures to eliminate paperwork and free up time to focus on teaching and learning
  4. Improve planning and increase student safety with Emergency Mode where silent messages are sent to teachers with live-updating location check-ins on student whereabouts
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For Texas Stronger Connection Grant Schools

  1. Creates accountability and fosters safety for students outside of class time by creating timers, pass limits, and restrictions, while also allowing for accommodations to meet student's individual needs
  2. Improve planning and increase student safety with Emergency Mode where silent messages are sent to teachers with live-updating location check-ins on student whereabouts
  3. Give parents access to student profiles where they can see missed instructional minutes in real-time or get historical information relating to their student’s time out of class
  4. Provides management of flexible rosters, including those for clubs and other student choice-based activities to promote connections on campus
  5. Provides evidence-based reporting to support intervention strategies for groups of students

    Learn more about how SmartPass works with the Texas Stronger Connection Grant here.
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Schools that want to invest in effective use of technology, support students in being safe and healthy, and provide rigorous and adequate education for all students

EANS Funding

Provide eligible private schools that have been impacted by COVID-19 with funds from their state education agency. Private schools will be prioritized by those that have shown decline in learning as a result of COVID-19, lack of resources to provide remote learning, and reduction in both tuition revenue and enrollment.

How To Use These Funds For SmartPass

  1. Comprehensive digital records are kept of all time students spend away from class
  2. Removes paper passes and time sheets that could spread COVID-19
  3. Enables social distancing by reducing amount of students out of classrooms at any time
  4. Contract tracing is made easier by tracking which students were in common areas with others
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Non-Public nonprofit schools founded before March 13, 2020 that are accredited, licensed, and operating in accordance with state laws that have not received a Paycheck Protection Plan (PPP2) loan and enroll a significant percentage of students from low income backgrounds


Give state educational agencies flexibility with funding and waivers to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic

How To Use These Funds For SmartPass

  1. Fast, accurate contact tracing options provide overviews of students’ locations and possible transmissible contacts between students
  2. Adheres to social distancing measures by limiting the number of students in a certain location during specific time frames, such as a restroom, resource room, or specific hallway
  3. Promotes activities authorized under the Elementary and Secondary Education Acts as outlined below in the Title I, II, III, and IV funding information
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Public Elementary and Secondary Schools

IDEA Funds

Structure how state and public agencies provide free and appropriate public education to students with disabilities

How To Use These Funds For SmartPass

  1. Keeps students safe by logging sessions with various support personnel throughout the day
  2. Allows for specific accommodations for students with unique and special needs, enabling faster, easier, and consistent access to specialized supports
  3. Increases learning time by tracking patterns related to time spent out of class
  4. Notifications provided to teachers so they can help students engage with productive classroom experiences
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State and public agencies that service students with disabilities in early intervention, special education, and other related services