Product Updates

SmartPass Shipped

We ship new features at SmartPass Speed—properly, quickly, and efficiently as possible. And always informed by customer feedback.    

August 2024

✋ Encounter Prevention Override

Encounter Prevention allows admins to prevent two or more students from being in the hallway at the same time—blocking meetups for besties, vaping, or the next TikTok challenge.

However, we never want to put educators in a position when they really need to create a pass and SmartPass isn’t allowing them to. (Front office staff, we heard you!)

Now, the Encounter Prevention pop-up will notify why two students are in an encounter prevention group, and give admins the option to override and create the needed pass anyway. Admins can also grant override permission to select teacher accounts, and always see case details to ensure it’s being used properly.

in-app view of encounter prevention override pop-up

⏯️ Pause Your Schedule for the Day

If you don’t have a Schedule that fits, you can now pause your schedule for the day by selecting “Other” from the Bell Schedule menu. This means SmartPass won’t show class rosters or student origin rooms for pass creation.

in-app view of how to pause your bell schedule

⚙️ Small but Mighty Improvements

July 2024

⏱️ Missed Class Time

SmartPass already knows the student’s hall pass history—what time of day a student left and how long they were out. And now with Schedules, we can overlay the student’s schedule onto that pass history for this incredibly impactful view!

This new data table will be visible on the Student Snapshot for all Hall Pass Pro accounts. It will show all classes over the date range, even if they have 0 minutes of missed class time for that class.

You’ll be able to know that Ian is not just missing 60 minutes of class per day. You’ll know that Ian is consistently missing Algebra. Does he have a problem with the class content? With the teacher? With a peer in that class? This data is very likely an early indicator of trouble for Ian, visible long before grades come out. And it will help you make more informed decisions about the best interventions for Ian along with his teacher(s) and parent(s).

📊 Room Usage & Staff Usage Analytics

This month, we’ve added two new reports to your in-app Analytics:

  • A room usage table, showing the most frequently and least frequently used rooms in SmartPass, either to the origin or destination.
  • And a staff usage table has also been added, showing you which staff are—or are not— consistently using SmartPass to manage student movement!

Remember, you can filter this by time frames, so whether you like to do a weekly, monthly or quarterly audit of your pass data, we have you covered. Don’t forget, you can export this to share with others in your school as well!

📍 Closest Rooms Improvements

You’ve been able to identify closest rooms since the start of school last year. But we heard the functionality didn’t do quite enough to truly limit students from selecting other bathrooms and water fountains that were further away, causing more time out of class. So we researched, listened, and got to work improving this feature!

Now, students will only see the closest rooms from their origin. The other bathrooms and water fountains aren’t even available to select. Unless you flag one as closed, in which case others do become available.

On the teacher side, teachers creating a pass will see closest rooms first, and the others are visible under All Rooms.

We hope this feature delivers the value you need, and that by hiding non-closest rooms, students will spend less time out of class. This improved functionality also simplifies pass creation for elementary-age students.

📱 iOS Updates

Next up, the iOS app for SmartPass has gotten some important updates so that it keeps up with the full functionality of the website.

The previous home screen and "My Room" tabs have been merged. This allows teachers to:

  • Easily see their most relevant passes, any that are coming from or to their room
  • Quickly switch rooms, if they are part of multiple
  • Launch Kiosk mode in just a single tap from the rooms menu

June 2024

📊 Analytics

You’ve told us that you want more out of your SmartPass data. You want to know:

  • Are there particular grades or students that are creating more passes than others?
  • Are there any students creating passes more excessively than others?
  • Which students are missing the most class time?

We’re now bringing answers to these questions directly into SmartPass. Live this week, admins will see a new Analytics tab!

We built this feature directly from your feedback. If you click on the Analytics tab, you’ll see:

  • A line graph of the number of passes being created by grade
  • A bar chart of the total passes by grade
  • A scatter plot of the passes created by students—to better understand the distribution of the total passes created

You can filter this by time frames, so whether you like to do a weekly, monthly or quarterly audit of your pass data, we have you covered. Don’t forget, you can export & share this data.

We’re launching Analytics in beta in order to get this out to you all right away—and we’ll continue to make improvements.

🛎️ Data Concierge

In addition to more in-app Analytics, there’s a new add-on service that offers more robust, customized reporting for administrators ready to dig deeper. We can even support districts looking to aggregate data across multiple campuses.

We’ve built a team of skilled analysts to be your Data Concierge! Our goal is to produce reports you can trust—to then take action on. This add-on service costs $799 per campus. If you’re interested, send us a live chat and we’ll create a quote for you.

Here’s how it works: Admin will open the Explore tab and select Data Concierge, then tell us what data you’re looking for. We will get to work pulling it and send it over for review within 3 days. Your concierge will collaborate with you on your request and be sure to return insightful, actionable data.

🧮 Pass Limits per Week or Term

Right now in SmartPass, admins can configure a maximum number of passes per day and determine which rooms count toward this limit. But with a daily limit in place, we’ve heard that many students feel entitled to their two daily passes even when they may not really need them.

Customers have asked for alternate time frames for these limits. Live now in SmartPass, admins can configure new pass limits by week or by term. (The "term" is based on the terms in your schedule, such as quarter, trimester, semester.)

We hope this helps you support students in learning better time management and accountability.

  • Go to the Accounts tab on the left, and click on Pass Limits near the top right.
  • Turn on the Limit for All Students.
  • Choose the timeframe for your limit: per day, per week, or per term.

✅ One-Click Pass Approve

We’ve heard from teachers and other school staff that they need an easier way to review and approve (or deny!) pass requests. Live in SmartPass, teachers will see a right sidebar of any incoming requests, both for now passes and for scheduled passes.

This new feature will help teachers:

  • review NOW requests faster
  • delete any missed SCHEDULED pass requests to clear the list

💡 If a message is attached to the pass request, an icon will be visible over the student’s picture and the teacher simply has to hover over it to see the full message. If the teacher wants to see a bit more info, such as how many passes the student has used today, they can click the profile photo to see the full details.

We hope that your teachers, and especially your nurses and librarians, will appreciate this update!

May 2024

🥁 Schedules

This is the biggest change to SmartPass since our digital hall pass solution launched six years ago. Before Schedules, you only knew where a student was if they had an active pass. Now, your bell schedule and classes will show up in SmartPass, giving your team a complete picture of what’s happening in your school.

Take a peek at this 6-minute walk-through to see the ✨ magic ✨ of Schedules!

To recap the highlights >>

  • Students no longer have to enter their origin room—SmartPass knows based on their schedule or the kiosk location.
  • Teachers can quickly create a pass from their home screen student roster—plus see that it’s a MWF day and a timer for the current period.
  • Front office staff can search for any student, see their current class, any active pass, and send a pass request to the student—a faster and less disruptive way to get students where they need to be.
  • Schedules is available to all customers on our Standard Plan and above.

To get Schedules ready for your new school year, go to the new Bell Schedule tab in SmartPass and follow the steps. If you already submitted your bell schedule and it’s not changing, no need to resubmit.

📊 Wrapped Reports  +  ⭐ Staff Ratings

Two new tiles are launched to your admin home with data + insights from the school year:

  • Open your campus’ SmartPass Wrapped report with stats like >>
    • Recap of total passes, total pass time, and number of student/teacher users
    • Most popular bathrooms + other common locations for passes
    • Number of encounters prevented, and more!
  • Check out what your staff have to say about SmartPass in the Staff Ratings and Reviews

We hope this data is valuable as you make plans for 2024–25!

iOS App Update

For our iPhone and iPad app, we made improvements to creating passes so that…

  • Profile Pictures now appear when creating passes
  • Closest rooms will show up
  • It’s lightning fast

Download the latest version here!

April 2024

Updated Pass Creation Flow

The origin (Coming from?) and destination (Going to?) are now on the same step or screen in the pass creation process.

Feb 2024

Calendar Month & Day View

On the Calendar tab for teachers and students, they can see a list of all scheduled passes they have both for that particular day and the month—and click through different days easily.

Nov 2023

✈️ No Fly Time

In just a few clicks, you can prevent students from creating passes during the first/last few minutes of class. Teachers can still create passes, but they’ll see a warning.

👉 Go to the Rooms tab and select Pass Options to set this up.

↕️ Organized & Sorting Pass Requests

Requests for teachers are now split by requests for “Now” and “Scheduled,” making it easier to determine which passes should be looked at right now. When they have a pending request, they’ll see a Red 🔴 notification number.

Plus — teachers can sort them by most-recent first, or oldest first.

Any requests that were “sent” but not approved yet will show on the Calendar tab.

🖌️ Small, Mighty Improvements

  • Scheduling Passes is 5x Faster: It defaults to the current date and time, and you can use arrow buttons to adjust.
  • First & Last Names show on all pass tiles, as long as a student’s name fits.
  • A Current Date & Time line show up on the calendar.
  • The calendar live updates without refreshing, except for Flex activities.
  • Ended Passes are color-coded based on the room.

Oct 2023

Switch to Teacher View

A small-but mighty feature – we made it even easier for admins to switch from admin view back to Teacher view. Learn More >


When a sound fails to play on the browser, we show the banner that says enable your sound.

Flex Enhancements

More than 10 enhancements to Flex, including: Bulk Upload Students into Activities, Student Search for Activities, and Levels of Control. Learn more about Flex in our Support Center!

Admin Dashboard Connects to CSM

The admin dashboard now displays a card with your Customer Success Manager’s photo, name, email, and office hours.

Share SmartPass

All staff accounts have a button that easily enables them to share SmartPass with a peer.

Aug 2023

Flex + Attendance is Launched!

Read more about our new solution for Flex Period Setup and Management.

Closest Rooms

During room setup, you can tell SmartPass which rooms are closest. We know this is especially helpful for water fountains and bathrooms! These suggestions help control the flow of student traffic and help students spend less time out of class. Learn More >

Emergency Mode

Admins can quickly and quietly alert all staff in the building about an emergency and put a pause on student movement. Any student in the hallway is identified and can be checked in and accounted for by the closest teacher. Learn More >

New Settings: Hallway Max Capacity + Pass Cooldown

Tired of students requesting a pass every single period? Put a stop to frequent flyers with Pass Cooldown! Also set a Hallway Max Capacity so SmartPass can help you limit the number of students out of class at any given time.

Other Noteworthy Updates!

  • Student & Teacher Home Screen Redesign
  • Student & Teacher Calendar
  • Overtime Passes now turn red
  • ID Card Stickers
  • Notification Sounds now available